You’re reading this blog post, so I obviously did sign up in the end, and was matched to my wonderful mentee in the area of Product Management, Emmi. Our first Skype chat already boded well - we clicked and her expectations of what she wanted to get out of the program seemed like something I could help with. We ended up meeting every other week, very consistently for the first few months and I can tell you that this mentoring has been more valuable and rewarding to me than I expected in my wildest dream. I knew it’d be awesome but I had no idea it would give me so much insight into myself, a much clearer view of where I want to be in my life, and be so, so much fun at the same time.
Read moreFive Learnings from the Mentorship Program - Guest Post by Emmi
Emmi Holmstedt
A guest post by our mentee Emmi
When I applied for the mentorship program I had recently started as a product manager, a position that was completely new to me. In an environment highly dominated by men, being the youngest in my position and with no strong technical background I felt I needed to gain more specific knowledge, get wider perspectives and get in control. I had no serious hopes of getting a mentor with the same profession as me, so when I was matched with Jennifer, an experienced product manager with an engineering background, I was happily surprised. After our first call I knew this was going to be the start of a great mentorship experience and since then it has only gotten better. Let me explain why, by summarizing five of my most important learnings.
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On the power of magic behind the scenes - My experience from the Berlin Geekettes Mentorship program
A guest post by Ola Kohut, mentee of our current mentorship program.
I feel like there is no better way to describe my experience in the Berlin Geekettes Mentorship Program than quoting a conversation I had with my mentor Johanna:
Me: "Johanna! You’re just figuring out my life!"
Johanna: "Nope... I’m just telling you to figure it out BY TOMORROW!"
Read moreWhat I've learned from 2,5 months of being a Berlin Geekette mentee
The Berlin Geekettes Mentorship Program kicked off at the end of May, and will run until November 2013. The 5-month long program is focused on bringing together mentors and mentees with mutual career interests and expertise to support their professional and personal development. We're at the halfway point right now, so it's a good chance to look back at the achievements so far and think about the future. For me, this is the perfect opportunity to reflect on what I have learned so far during the two and a half months as a mentee.
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